Sunday, April 19, 2009

Great Decision in Circumcision!

I read an AP article talking about how circumcision actually protects us heterosexual males against ....HIV, HPV, and those dreadful bumps from hell called Herpes. Yes. Its true. This doesn't mean you can go out in the rain to play without a rain coat, but I am actually seeing the benefits of my decision to get circumcised when I was just a few days old. I still remember vividly talking to the doctor about the best route for my member.

Me (a few days old): " Hey Doc, what are you about to do with that sharp metal blade?"

Doc:" I am about to circumcise you. Your parents ordered the operation."

Me: "WTF. You are not using that on my member motherf*cker!!"

Doc: " Stop being such a c*nt. Trust me you will not be as prone to STDs. You need this in your life."

Me: "Doc What's a STD?"

Doc: "Something very horrible that would hurt your member for LIFE."

Me: "Lets get the sh*t over with!!!"

My advice to you is simple........ rap it up. You will live a lot longer and you will not run into any form of the devil's sex preventions techniques.

-Uncle Booze

1 comment:

  1. Your post made me laugh! But there are obviously lots of good reasons for parents to circumcise their sons. My own view is that with all the new medical studies validating why it's good you're circumcised, it's time to think about universal male circumcision. It's not just to protect the male -- it also protects his female partners and society as a whole.
