Monday, April 13, 2009

Nick & Nora makes me "Snora"

First, I would like to say forgive me for my hiatus. Now to business.

I thought this movie was going to be as funny as Juno or Superbad, but I was sadly mistaken. I rented the movie from one of those Red Boxes for a buck. The only downfall is that you have to bring the movie back the next day, which f*cking sucks @ss. Shout out to whoever invented the red box. I see your movement. I am going to start a movement of my own and have like chicks on a corner selling beer in next to nothing clothing with bunny ears. I am going to call it, "Bunny Beer B*tches." They will only come out during sporting events and big parties. Just watch.....

Uncle Booze's found flaws about Nick and Nora

1. This dude called the chick like a million times to leave a message, but keeps deleting it to record another one. Dude you got dumped; get over the sh*t already. There is plenty of chicks out there. Go find your mojo.

2. He is in a band full of "panzzies" (code word for dudes that practices an alternative lifestyle). If all your friends are those, then what does that make you? No wonder the c*nt f*cker ignored all Nora's advances. What a F*cking tool?

3. The only thing that made the movie remotely interesting was the fact Nora's h*e friend was on her sh*t. Every time they showed her she was either drinking, trying to get laid, or something remotely humorous. You can't go wrong with a chick like that, just use a condom and delete the number if it is not good.

4. During the entire movie, the entire cast was trying to find the secret location of a concert hosted by the Pink Fluffy. What type of rock group goes by the name Pink Fluffy?
You are a rock group......go by the name of a real rock band. Something like the vagina bangers, the "moter boats", or FTWMF*(see below).

5. On top of everything, the other chick wanted Nick back and he went for the random chick Nora too soon, when he could have bang both of the them in the same day. Why? Simple, he was not in committed relationship with any of the chicks. Why not stretch this opportunity a little bit? No harm in that!!!

-Uncle Booze
*FTWMF= F*ck the world motherf*cker....I invented one too!!!

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