Tuesday, September 8, 2009

She is Back to What She is Born to Do....Shack it Pebbelz

I wrote about this young lady who augmented her gluteus maximus in an effort to make more money. To me that is what hookers do, but according to her bio on myspace she is not into that. I beg to differ, but her word is her bond. More importantly, her @zz is huge and her staple. Some people are born with talents and others are smart enough to buy them. She is smart enough to buy hers in my opinion. Right now, her butt is the only thing she has going for her. Some chicks has brains, along with many other talents,...... SHOUT OUT TO SUPER HEAD.........she has silicon cheeks that turns heads including mines at times. This I must admit is something that I am not proud of, but just take a look below.


She is exploiting herself. At this point, she does not need a pimp. Just google her and check out her site. I rest my case. I am almost positive you would arrive at the exact same conclusion as I did.

One question:

How does she take a dump? Not to get graphic, but she has to be spending countless hours wiping.......I would let your imagination pick up from here. It is not my job to make that image for you.

-Uncle Booze

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