Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Chick on My Mind...... Ana Beatriz Barros

This week the chick on my mind happens to come from the land of carnival, soccer, and g-strings. Yes the the only BRIC country that is on everyones list of travel destinations, Brazil. By the way BRIC stands for Brazil, Russia, India, and China they're the upcoming nations that are trying to enter the class of world super powers. Enough with that and lets get to the chick the one the only Ana Beatriz Barros. Ana is simply one of those chicks you see and now there is something a little more there. She carries with her a hint of danger. In most peoples book she comes in at number three in the ranks of Brazilian super models, behind Adriana, and Alessandra.

You see with Adriana you get the clean, classy image of a young woman, while Alessandra seems fun and flirty. Ana has a edge to her that just captivates a the watcher. It really doesn't matter, because she's hot and in the real world that's all that should count. She seems to go through phases though for me for some reason she's not always model pretty, but she's always girlfriend pretty.
I used to have that picture on a t-shirt when I was younger, because I was in love with how it looked. To tell the truth I have to thank Ana for getting me laid. After getting ridiculously drunk one night me and my friends decided to combat out hangovers at Hooters. As we were leaving one of the Hooters girls asked me who was on my shirt. Me being S. Beamin I told her it was my ex who broke up with me the night before. In classic fashion she wanted to console, so I told her and her friend to come to the party I just made up. The night ended like most that include me and a chick in a hot tub so thanks Ana.
I've been a Ana fan for a while so that GQ cover you see up there has been at my crib forever, and the sick thing about it is it's English GQ. I have no idea why she gets no time in our GQ, but she's in the English version again so go check it out. I'll end this post with what can only be known as the trifecta or the greatest things to come out of Brazil including the soccer team.

- S. Beamin
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