Friday, October 9, 2009

I Don't Want to Talk to You

As we've seen in other previous Im not a big fan of people and the people I hate the most are the ones who want to talk to me. Seriously unless you are a hot chick who equals dime status in the eyes of 9 out of 10 don't talk to me. I should really say those type of people shouldn't even look at me. There is nothing I hate more than a person just waiting for me and my friends to give them an opening to jump in. Oh and when those fuckers jump in it takes everything in my heart and sul not to rip there arm off and stuff it in there mouthes. What fucking asinine thought went through your head that made you think that was a good idea? Are you going to add something to the conversation. Or are you going to make new friends with your witty banter, that shit just ain't gonna happen.

The thing that pisses me off more than that is when I go to lunch on my solo and someone tries to strike up a conversation. Seriously this is my alone time, this is when I get my S. Beamin on nobody but me. Im trying get my thoughts together and you're over there glaring from your table waiting. Me im thinking what the fuck is this little fucker waiting for does he want to go, because we can go, That's never what happens though it's always some loser who wants to start a fifteen minute discussion. I don't have fifteen minutes for most people I know let alone you asshole.

All Im saying is leave me and other people like me the fuck alone. I don't want any new friends, because to be honest i don't want most of the friends I have now. You wont become my new best friend no matter how hard you try. Remember though if you're a hot chick that nothing I said in the above blog applies to you. And for those of you that say Beamin what about when you approach women at the bar, bookstore or some random location? Do you know what I say those ladies want it, because a real man known as S. Beamin just walked into their lives.

- S. Beamin
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