Friday, May 22, 2009

F*ck Equifax. They are the worst

Last summer, your boy Booze got his credit report and to his surprise a motherf*cker had a credit card under his name that was past due. WTF. How could this be? I told the Experian that that wasn't me and they took the sh*t off. So did TransUnion, but not Equifax. The motherf*ckers still have the sh*t on there a year later. Does Uncle Booze have to slap a b*tch in here? I called Equifax and got a representative. Apparently, all the credit bureaus outsource to non-english speaking countries because I kept getting people who "speakit no englis". How troublesome?

The lady ask me some confidential info to verify it was me. I gave her the information she needed without getting irate. But she pushed me over the edge after I gave her the account that was not mine and she continued to ask me for the account number and ect. I said, " Listen c*nt if I had the account information do you think I would be disputing it? The sh*t is not me or mine. You keep asking me that very same question and I give you the same answer. If you ask me that question one more time, I will go ape sh*t on your foreign @ss!!!!!!!!"

You know what she had the nerves to do??? Ask me, " Do yous a have the account information?Like the account number?" This was like the 10th time during our 5 minute conversation. This b*tch is a legitimate retard. I meant b*tch in the most respectful way. I love the ladies. I told her to just put in the dispute and to give me the confirmation number. These people need to be properly trained. It is a huge inconvenience to try to understand them. No offense to foreigners, but this one lady was f*cking horrible.

-Uncle Booze

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