Saturday, June 27, 2009

This is Some Dumb Shit Right Here

This is some of the dumbest shit I have seen in a minute people, and with the way I live that's saying something. What could prompt me to say something like this, non other than the spectacular Jessica Alba. Is this because she some how wowed me with her extrodinary good looks no it's because she's a dumb ass. While going through my Google reader I stumbleded upon these pictures of Mrs. Alba vandalizing the streets of this great country of mine. Now I've done some plastering and sticker bombing in my time, but what she did is on another level.

What was she doing it for you ask, to try to save the Great White Shark. First and foremost something with the name great doesn't need saving bitch i'm pretty sure the mother fucker can handle it's own. Seriously you want to save the Great White Shark what some call the worlds greatest predator. I heard these dudes don't even sleep, they stay on the grind klling anything they see. Seriously think about it Jessica if you go "Into the Blue" again and come across a Great White he is going to eat you.

Jessica you're supposed to be a famous actress so i shouldn't need to remind you of this, but there was a little movie called Jaws. Yeah that big ass shark ate everybody then he tried to eat the boat, he wasn't endangered people were endangered. On a personal note when I was seven that mother fucker scared the shit out of me at Universal Studios. If Jaws 1 through 15 isn't enough how about you take a look at the movie "Deep Blue Sea" yeah whereyour shark friends got smart and killed Samuel L. Jackson and almost got LL. Yeah bitch that Dave Chappel shit with he ate me was from that.
That's it i'm heated enough already i'd like to thank Sole X Life for the pictures, and say while i feel bad for everyone else those inbreeders from the North known to some as Oklahoma desereved it. Oh and by the way Alba you need to choose to either be a criminal or a publicity whore, because criminals usually don't pose for pictures with their crimes.

Yeah you saw that that's what Great Whites do they fuck shit up, save him my ass! I bet that one armed surfer chick ain't runnin around talkin about save a shark!

-S. Beamin

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