Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Chivas Part Six The Story of the Gecko and The Dog Collar

In the recent Chivas stories we have met some of his friends and this story revolves around the one known as Goliath. Well Goliath is a fun loving, jolly white giant who is always up for a good time, sounds like the type of guy Chivas would hangout with doesn’t it. The best part about Goliath is that his fun loving nature will allow him to do things that others would find impossible to fathom like the story I’m about to tell you.
During one of the small get togethers Chivas went to often things started getting interesting towards the end of the night. Living in the Suburbs the guys would often come across wild animals in the oddest places. This night it was a reptile in the form of a gecko, which had stumbled into the kitchen. So for a dollar we dared Goliath to take down the Gecko, he decided to do it for ten dollars and of course Chivas and friends agreed. Goliath dunked the baby gecko into a beer and proceeded to drink down the baby gecko.
From then on out for the rest of the summer Goliath was known as Geck. Now for most people that would be it for stupid human tricks, but not for Geck. Within two weeks Chivas and friends all found themselves at another friends house where another occurrence would happen. Everyone knows what a shock collar is and what it does to a dog. We also all know what that collar will do to a person from watching jackass. So Chivas and friends offer Geck 15 dollars to put it on and take the shock. Of course he did and the shocks to the forehead and throat were well worth it. The only problem seemed to be that their friend’s mom showed up, but she thought it was funny and told them to carry on. Geck is still one of the best friends that Chivas has and it seems like he will never change.

- S. Beamin

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