Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Chick on my Mind.... Wendy Davis

Like most dudes my Sunday nights for years have revovled around recovering from the weekend and HBO. Me being S. Beamin I don't get regular hangover, I get night hangovers so HBO Sunday night has saved my life on many an occasion. It started like most people with the Sopranos, then Entourage, and then True Blood no matter what you could always rely on HBO to get you through. A few weeks ago I treaded into territory few men ever do the Lifetime network. I'm sorry I saw some dudes shooting guns and thought this might be a light weight Generation Kill. It wasn't it was Army Wives a bastion of strong sexy women and the army. The one who caught my eye was Wendy Davis.
Damn now that is ripe like grapes on the vine sexy right there. Wendy plays some character on the show married to some dude, but i don't really pay attention to shit that comes out of these peoples' mouthes. What I do know is that right there is a strong, sexy confident black women or at least she plays one on TV. You know me I had to hit up the search and find out some more about this chick.
Well according to IMDB she has been in a bunch of shit i have never seen. Mainly because it's chick stuff or guest roles, but that doesn't matter because I now have her every Sunday on Army wives. The best part about it is she is a soldier so you get to see that contrast from her looking rough and tough in fatigues to sexy as shit when she gets to the crib. I'm just saying we could play all types of sex games, I can grow a mean beard so if she wants to play Soldier and Insurgent I'm down
And if Wendy wasn't enough this show also brings you the big titty love of Catherine Bell. Yes the chick from J.A.G. never watched the show, but that FHM from childhood will always be in my head so my swirl is in full affect. Don't worry guys i'll never miss a Sunday night of HBO, but i have to say my DVR will always catch the late show of Army Wives.
Next week i'll be back to objectifying females for all the wrong reasons so don't lose hope.
- S. Beamin

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