Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Chick on My Mind...Hailey Clauson No!!!!!

This is some shit right here people. I usually don't rock the waif model chick look, but this chick is here for a reason. Our friend Hailey here is a Special Announcement, no better yet a Breaking News Bulletin. The reason you ask is because she is the perfect example of how a dude gets hit with the Stach charge. Yeah I'm talking our Friend right here is a Statutory Rape charge waiting to happen. Now don't look at me funny and ask why, because I'll tell you why ole girl is 14.
Yes 14 To Catch A Predator, sit your ass down my name is Chris Hansen with Datelin NBC kind of chick. I swear Iw as just doing my normal research in the model data base of chicks that might make the Sunday show and this came up. I started looking and then I started reading and then dude who posted the pics said 4 years can't happen quickly enough. I said what four years for what dudes balls to drop, because certainley no man is plotting four years for 18 and no chick is looking like this at 14. Boy was I wrong.

Seriously this shit has to stop people I may be a cretin to some a bastard to others, and a long line of other things too many, but I draw a line right here. I say to the modeling world no more, you can snatch these chicks up at 16 (really 18+) and groom them, but 14 is too young. Seriously think about all the strange shit that happens to models as they get in the business. If even one fourth of the things I've seen and heard about happened to Hailey 16 dudes are looking at the big house. From now on I'm checking Ids on these young hoes, because the pen and the Scarlet C and M are not for ya boy.

This is the first time I have actually felt dirty talking about a female in my life and I have done some wild shit in my day so we all Know this is a time for concern. I'm going to wash this filth off me i advise you to do the same.

-S. Beamin


  1. take this off right now!!

  2. If you do not remove this i am goin to get lawyers involved. This is rude and disrespectful. Nobody appreciats this.

  3. You did not just say all this crap about my friend!!! Your rude and she's gorgeous and not a single thing will ever happen to her you creep! So shut up and get a life!

  4. Hailey's mother and father are ALWAYS with her on shoots. She is very taken care of.

  5. If she's only 14 then her parents will be there to look after her and its not like she's signed with some rinky dink model agency. All the men at fashion shoots are totally GAY anyways!

  6. your wierd!! I've known Hailey since she was real young. She wouldn't do anything like that with any guy.

  7. erase this crude, someone pleaseeeeeee!!!!

  8. Why do you turds have a problem with dudes comments -He is right there is no way this chic should be modeling yet.

  9. Really dude - get lawyers involved!? on what grounds - go ahead and waste your time.

  10. These angry comments are so hilarious! Please post more things like this. I love the comments you get.
    Have the lawyers called you yet? lol
