Saturday, March 14, 2009

Damn Homey in High School You Used to be the Man Homey

You know who I like "Kid Dynamite", you know who I love --- Mike Tyson. What's the difference well "Kid Dynamite" was a boxer, Mike Tyson was just a freak of nature. When I say freak of nature of course, I'm talking about his natural ability, but also that normal people aren't made like this in nature. See growing up I only new Mike Tyson. My first memory of dude is handcuffed with the Burberry Trench coat draped over his wrist. So, I watched the highlights and thought this dude is a monster. Seriously, he is the baddest man on the planet, then I heard him speak and I knew he was actually the scariest man on the planet. Mike Tyson might sound like a mouse, but the vitriol that came out of this mans mouth was second to none.

Now, lets be clear when it came to watching Tyson I had to travel. I watched Iron Mike at one of two places My Uncle's house or my boy E. White's. My dad figured this dude was psycho and wasn't droppin 50 bones to watch some new bum trainer unleash a tiger on a lamb. To be honest to this day, I still have vivid memories of this crazed brawler biting a man's ear not once, but twice until a chunk came off. I remember looking at my man E the first time thinking he did not do that, then the second time thinking they should lock this man up. Seriously, pause so you can take in some of this insanity. I still use the word fornicate, to this day, because of Mike.

My favorite moment though happened at my Uncle Mike's house, who had the hookup on Showtime. Tyson had just beat the dog shit out of some bum and went into one of the greatest rants of all time. Yes I'm talking "I'll eat your children", people around him had no idea what was going on in that head of his. The best part to me though was the amazing "All Praise Be to Allah" Mike tagged on at the end. Come on people revel in the insanity that is Mike Tyson. You can see when dude snaps, and why does tubby in the back cosign that shit. I'm not even going to talk about this face tattoo he added to the mix, because I don't even comment on unfinished pieces of facial art. Seriously, this is one minute and twenty one seconds of depravity.

You may be thinking why is S Dot writing this blog now, well it's finally happened they released the trailer for the Mike Tyson documentary. Yes, people you heard about it making the circles at film festivals. Now we get to see it. Just watch this trailer and listen to what this man is talking about; the depths of his rage are amazing. All I'm saying people is your boy will be at the midnight showing hoping this will be the first documentary on IMAX. Seriously, they had a parade for this dude in Moscow, come on Moscow step ur game up!

- S. Beamin

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