Saturday, March 7, 2009

S. Beamin tries not to kill himself

Yesterday S. Beamin and Uncle Booze decided it was time to see the Watchmen. Now be warned i don't care about spoiling things, because the movie sucked. I went into the movie with some knowledge from reading the Graphic Novel, and Booze went in with a clean slate. To start the first scene with the intruder and the Comedian was butchered, first off even if you haven't read the book you know who the killer is by his body type the next time you see him in the movie. This pretty much kills the murder mystery part of the film. Then you get Silk Spectre II who is played by a breathing card board cut out. Her scenes were so boring i was on the edge of despair, and then the end of her sex scene with Archie shooting out flames was camp at it's worst. Now i know a lot of people especially the giggle twins in front of me can't see a penis without going into a fit, but grow up people. Finally the end is screwed they change the way things go down for no reason, dammit i want my giant squid that reeks death upon mankind. And then to make everyone love one another at the end was complete shit, if someone from another country attacked my country and a bunch of other ones, he and his country will be held responsible no matter what he did to his own country as well. The only redeemable factors in this movie was Rorschach, because he is really is Rorschach. And the Comedian other than the rape scene everything else evil he did was darkly comical or proved to show the audience an insight on all the characters in the movie. So to end this long ass review watch this movie at your own risk i advise you to read the book. I can't speak for Uncle Booze, but I'm pretty sure he thinks it sucks too.

- S.Beamin

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